Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kane's First Field Trip

Today is Kane's first field trip and instead of going with him I have to stay at home with Katara. I think one of the hardest things about moving is not having a support system. Being new to an area is tough; I'm not going to lie. I love the change every few years but it really stinks to have to rebuild your life.

For the first time in 10 years Justin has a job where he actually works- don't get me wrong he worked at the other jobs and if he wasn't TAD, deployed or running a chamber he could usually come home to take care of the kids so I could go to the doc, get my hair done, work or even do field trips. I am thankful for his job but today not so much. I REALLY wanted to be there for Kane; he was so excited. He cried this morning because he wants me to meet his friends in his class- how long will it be before he cries b/c he doesn't want his friends to see me?

So as I down my 2nd cup of coffee this morning I wipe a tear from my eye and vow to stop feeling sorry for myself- we have a beautiful home and we live in a great area and I am lucky enough to have kids who are very flexible. So what if I don't have any friends here, and can't work and I can't go on field trips- you know what I can do? I can go to the school on Fridays WITH Katara and pop popcorn; if that is all I can do right now than I'll take it!

1 comment:

Kathlyn said...

You are right - you are very blessed but I know you miss doing some of the things you used to do. Friday popcorn day . . . yeah!!