Friday, November 5, 2010


We started out the Halloween week with a Spooky Story Time at the library- it was so much fun despite the crowd! The Marine Corps band played some fun songs, there was a spooky counting story and the best part... the parade! I'm sure the people who were using the computers found a parade of 100+ preschoolers was great! Katara had so much fun and was the only kitty cat there (well 1 grandma was dressed up like a cat but Katara was cuter!)

We only had to wait a few days and Grandma & the Grandpa's were going to be here. When they finally arrived we pulled our pumpkin in the house and lined the table with newspaper. Justin let the kids vote on the eyes, nose and mouth this year; usually we let 1 kid pick the eyes, 1 the nose and 1 the mouth. This way it was "fair" all the way around. After the pumpkin was done Korbin & Katara helped me separate the seeds and I used Korbin's "perfect pumpkin seed" recipe to bake up some seeds. They were really good and Korbin was excited to bring some to school for snack.

Finally Sunday arrived and the kids were so ready to try on their costumes and go trick or treating- Kane was a robot. But thanks to my not-so-excellent planning everyone thought he was the tin man despite the wicked cool light-up circuits on his tummy that daddy and grandpa made. Korbin was a knight, he was supposed to be a leggo but that costume turned out terrible. He was really excited when he woke up Sunday morning and saw a knight costume instead of a giant lego. Katara used her kitty costume again.

Katara LOVED trick or treating. At one house she said trick or treat and then yelled do you like our costumes? At another house she got a bag of M & M's and said thanks when she turned to go back down the steps she saw some ceramic frogs she turned around and told the lady I like your frogs and grabbed another bag of M&M's- she was so fun. Korbin couldn't bend at the waist or walk up/down steps vey well and his feet started to hurt- so he was complaining a little and Kane started to cough and wanted to go home as well. All in all we hit about 12-15 houses for candy and they each had a full pumpkin head!

We had so much fun!

1 comment:

Kathlyn said...

So happy when I read your Halloween post. The costumes were adorable. Know it was fun watching/listening to your little kitty react. Sorry the boys were having issues but so glad they got to go. The combined idea pumpkin turned out amazing. Know Grandma & Grandpas enjoyed being there.