Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hello 2012

Wow, 2011 has been the year, can't believe it has nearly been a year since I blogged last. 2011 was filled with ups and downs. I learned a lot about myself in 2011 and look forward to 2012 and all it has to offer.

For a quick breakdown on the fam-

JB- spent the majority of the year working at Walter Reed, he helped the wounded guys and their families. This was a very great opportunity for him but was hard on our family. Between late hours and the commute he ended up just staying up there Sunday night through Saturday night most weeks. July was his last month to work up there, he misses the guys and still spends a few weekends a month hanging out with them.

KK, turned 8 this year he FINALLY grew the teeth in that had been missing since we left Okinawa!! He enjoyed his time in MO and loved his Lego Engineering camp he attended upon returning to VA. He is still LOVING cub scouts and doing very well in the scouting program. He also played baseball on base which he loved. He didn't do so well switching schools this year but has finally settled in and doesn't look forward to switching schools again. Like his mama every place we live becomes his favorite! He enjoys chorus club and running club at school.

KA, turned 6 (he is nearly 7 now?!) he is still the same great easy-going kid that he has always been. Changing schools was easy for him and after his first day he already had new best friends! He has enjoyed living on base again and seeing all of the Marines around everywhere. He still wants to join an ice hockey team, however he needs to learn how to skate, hopefully during spring break I can get him signed up for a skating camp.

KD, turned 16, wait I mean 4. She loves all things girly but keeps up with "her boys". This year she was able to start preschool, she goes 5 days a week in the afternoons. Her favorite part is riding the bus and of course her teacher. She loves to wear her "skirtens" with leggins and typically wears one every day. She began speech therapy in August and I have seen great improvements since beginning, she is correcting all of us now on our ending K sounds!

And me... I am still going to school at Mizzou via their on-line program. I am so thankful for this opportunity. I really love the area here, it is a great place to be and I can hardly imagine myself anywhere else. In September we moved on base, the house is so much smaller but I love it. I also joined a gym and have enjoyed spinning class as well as another class; sadly a few weeks ago I hurt my knee so my exercise is on-hold until I have a CAT scan and the docs decide what to do with me ;-( Prior to Christmas I had lost nearly 35 lbs! In August I also began searching for a job, now that the kids are in school I would like to get out of the house for a bit every day. So far I have put in 69 applications, I have my first interview THIS WEEK! In August I also began seeing a therapist. I never thought I would/could be a person who could do therapy but I am so grateful for the opportunity and have learned so much about myself.

I made Christmas cards but with the chaos that 2011 brought I haven't sent them out, it is on my "to-do" list and hopefully will get to it soon.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey glad to see you back in the blog world! Don't feel bad about the Christmas cards. I just sent mine this week! :) I had to get your address from your Mom. Be on the look out. :)