Thursday, January 13, 2011

Santa PIcture!

I had to wait until my friend posted this on facebook so I could "borrow" it! As 2011 begins I have to say I am thankful for this move, I have met some really great people and I love my house. My kids are adjusting well and Justin seems to like his job a lot. I feel blessed to have what I have, however I really miss Okinawa. I look forward to 2011 and all it brings!

Blessings to everyone


Heather said...

Always enjoy your posts and pictures.

Kathlyn said...

Yeah! It's great to hear that you are adjusting to VA! My happiest thing about the move is that you are closer. Your home looks beautiful & the kids seem to be really liking school.Glad Justin is adjusting to his new assignment. Love my new MOPS cookbook. Now the yummy apple recipe is close at hand; not on a piece of paper I just lost!