Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow Day Activities

Today was the boy's first snow day! We had lots of fun I made cookies, we played outside, we had hot cocoa, we went to the ER, and we bought snow boots. I made my first batch of Christmas cookies this year, I can't even begin to tell you how great it was that it was A. cold, B. snowing and C. had my fab Christmas music and D. have 2 ovens! My idea behind the baking was get a batch done so we could go play outside and then come back in to have warm cookies & hot chocolate. As I lifted my last cookie off of the cookie sheet I started some water in my coffee pot and then got dressed. I took the kids outside t play, the snow hadn't stopped yet but that made it even greater, we played until our hands were red and our noses were numb. The hot cocoa and cookies were super yummy and warmed up right up. After our bellies were full and our hands warm were warm again we went to the living room and watched a movie together.

How To Train A Dragon was abut 1/2 way over, when Katara who was sitting on my lap with the boys gasp and turned around and said I'm so sorry, I put a toy in my nose a toy banana (a tiny k'nex piece). She got really clingy and kept saying I"m so sorry, it's in there (left nostril). I called Justin down from upstairs and she immediately told him the same thing she told me. I texted my sister and called our pediatrician's office to see what they thought we should do and waited for the nurse to call back. She called a few minutes later and told us to look for it (really- we would have never thought of that?!) and finally said if we thought she did this we needed to take her to the ER. So off we all went. Let me say this is the first time that Justin went with me to and ER with the kids (every time we need to go he is always gone or just doesn't want to go) lucky for me he didn't hesitate and said he would drive us in the truck. This was great our hill was hard to get down/up people were parking at the bottom and sliding down sideways. Our ER here was wonderful, they were so nice and got us in and out so quickly. Basically we were told 3 different scenarios. 1- she put it in her nose and was able to pull it out that is why she was guilty (they agreed that she was acting weird and was convinced that she thought it was in there) 2- she put it in and pushed it up so far it is stuck (in this case in about a week there will be really smelly snot at which point an ENT will have to remove it 3- she pushed it up so high she ended up swallowing it (we are thinking this b/c a few min after she told me she asked for a drink of water in a panic-ed voice.

So we left the ER and went to Walmart to get snow boots- maybe our feet won't be so cold today!

1 comment:

Kathlyn said...

Absolutely love these individual pictures . . . priceless shots. Katara, Katara . . . only food goes in the mouth & nothing goes in your nose! Pray it's gone & yesterday's nose discharge has nothing to do with this instance.